Questions and Answers

When and where does the event take place?
In Prague, at the Faculty of Transport of the CTU - Horská 3, 128 03 Nové Město
The event starts at 18:00 on Friday 17 November and ends at midnight on Saturday 18 to Sunday 19.

Who can come to the event?
Anyone and at any time during the event! It is just recommended to fill out a registration. Non-registered visitors can then come during Saturday.
P.S. IVAO Membership is not a requirement for registration:)

Is it possible to stay overnight at the event?
Yes, it certainly is. There will be one entire room at the event separate and designated for sleeping only.
If you want to sleep over at the event, we recommend you bring a mattress / mattress and everything else you need to sleep.
Is it possible to attend the event as a pilot?
Of course! Even pilots have their own room.
If you want to fly at the event, just bring your own computer and equipment.

I would like to participate as a pilot at the event, but I don't have the ability to transport my gear.
It does not matter, if you are from Prague or its vicinity, write an email to and we can try to arrange the possibility of transporting your computer. If you are not from Prague and are still interested in attending as a pilot, try to arrange with someone you know will be driving to the site and would be willing to take you along. If even that doesn't work out, try to ask in the channel (30h-chat) on our discord server if someone will drive somewhere from you.

Do I need to bring my own computer if I want to be ATC?
There is no need, we will have computer sets borrowed from CTU.

Do I have to register if I want to fly home during the event?
You don't have to, this registration is only to attend the event in person at CTU FD. However, if you have the opportunity, we will be happy to welcome you among us and you can set up your setup in the room reserved for pilots and enjoy the event with us in person.

Will there be anything else interesting at the event?
YES, At 30 you can look forward to e.g. the A320 simulator in which you can fly wherever you want within a certain time window.
You can also look forward to a real air traffic control simulator built into an iconic console with all the functional elements.

Is there a fee for the event?
Entry to the event is free, but we would be delighted if you could support the event to help cover some of the costs. You can donate any amount to the transparent account 2102328399/2010 (traceable at Fio Bank).